Monday, May 14, 2012

A day in the life of...

If i had an extra five minutes... !!!
I must say that over and over in my head every day! :) i know not the best mantra!!
Very seldom do i sit and blog about myself without the kiddo mentions.. but this one is a gift to ME From My Father!!! *the heavenly one!

It has been way too long since i have blogged, so today i sit.. for those extra 5 minutes! :)

This week is a typical week.. I work Disney Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday-- no work with Visual Cuisines this week..  BOOO for me..
Although added to the regular rigmarole--  Teacher appreciation luncheon on Wednesday. The kids have an amazing school!!! Muffins with mom on Wed and Thursday... and then cake decorating with Publix for Mothers Day..  whew..
ALTHOUGH the best is yet to come~~~
A newly found friend with some business interest, OF WHOM i adore already, has asked for some help with photography and fun at Disney. Which of course i was STOKED!! But it gets even better!! If you know me-- you know i LOVE the Grand Floridian Hotel..
 It is one of my dream places to stay someday.. i have always thought it would be when the kids are in college and Jim and i splurge :) I was ok with the waiting because well.. it WILL happen!!!
This new, amazingly fun opportunity, ground floor, helping web pics build this business... has me in tears!! We discussed our plan to spend Friday and Saturday at the parks ... LONG STORY short
WE ARE STAYING AT THE GRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...So much more info to come.. but here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

So pumped for you! The G.F. Is so beautiful!!! I didn't know you were working at Disney. We may be down in September... B's folks LOVE Disney.